Sakura 3-D Ink Gel Pens
Filled with special 3-D ink, these gel pens make marks that slightly puff up to create color with texture!
For use on hard surfaces such as plastic and glass, as well as on paper- however since the thick ink takes longer to dry, these pens aren't recommended for lengthy writing. Try them for craft projects instead! Glaze pens can make a beautiful stained glass look on decorative objects or jewelry, and Souffle pens leave opaque color even on dark backgrounds.
For use on hard surfaces such as plastic and glass, as well as on paper- however since the thick ink takes longer to dry, these pens aren't recommended for lengthy writing. Try them for craft projects instead! Glaze pens can make a beautiful stained glass look on decorative objects or jewelry, and Souffle pens leave opaque color even on dark backgrounds.